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Our Core Values
Core Value 1: God Centeredness
Core Value 2: Logic and reason
Core Value 3: Authority
Core Value 4: Sanctity of Life
Core Value 5: Marriage and Sexuality
Core Value 6: Discipline
Core Value 7: Gender Roles
Core Value 8: Vocation
Core Value 9: Racial Harmony
Core Value 10: Creation
Core Value 11: Animals and the Environment
Core Value 12: Pluralism
Core Value 13: Freedom of Religion
Core Value 14: Evangelism
Core Value 15: Sufficiency of Scripture
Core Value 16: Expository Preaching
Core Value 17: Genuine Christianity
Core Value 18: Personal Devotion to God
Core Value 19: Good Works and Social Concern
Core Value 20: Autonomy and Interdependency
Core Value 21: The Unity of the Church
Core Value 22: Liberty of Conscience
Core Value 23: Hyper-Orthodoxy
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